Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Mat.Hr. Sec School

A Unit of The Indian Education Trust (Regd.)

Life is a game too! It has its own set of rules.
Play it! Enjoy it!

1. Kindergarten (KG)

  • LKG - 8.50 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
  • UKG - 8.50 a.m. to 2.40 p.m.

2. Primary (I-V) - 8.50 a.m. to 02.40 p.m.

3. High School (VI-X) - 8.50 a.m. to 03.20 p.m.

Note: Special classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 4.10 p.m. in the I Term for Std X on a compulsory basis to complete portions. Students must attend these classes without fail.

4. Higher Secondary (XI-XII) - 8.50 a.m. to 03.20 p.m.

Note: Special classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. in the I Term on a compulsory basis to complete portions. Students must attend these classes without fail.

    • All pupils should appear in the school uniform.
    • They must wear their identity cards to school everyday.
    • Pupils must be inside the school premises ten minutes before the first bell.
    • Pupil’s person and clothes should be clean.
    • Children suffering from infectious diseases like Measles, Mumps, Chicken pox, will not be permitted to attend school till they are completely cured.
    • Photo attestation by the principal will be done only if the student is in school uniform.

The Disciplinary Committee of the school will take stringent action against the students who are found indulging in any of the following:

  • Disrespectful behaviour towards teachers.
  • Bringing cell phones, camera, CD player or any other kind of electronic gadget to the school without prior permission. It will be confiscated by the school authorities and will not be returned to the student.
  • Any kind of physical violence among students within / outside the school premises.
  • Driving Two wheelers / Four wheelers to school.
  • Vandalism - leading to damage of Benches / Desks / Switch Boards, Light Fittings or any other school property.
    Possessing any kind of objectionable reading material.
    Copying during examinations or attempting to help other students copy.
  • Taking leave often / long absenteeism without prior permission.
  • Application for leave of absence shall be made on behalf of pupil by his/her parent or guardian and addressed to the teacher if it is not exceeding two days and to the principal if it is a longer period.
  • Pupils applying for sick leave should produce a medical certificate.
  • Parents desiring their child to return home for any reason during school hours are kindly requested to send a letter of application through a responsible person.
  • Every pupil shall attend the school for not less than 75% of the working days in a school year.
  • Any breach of this rule may disqualify a pupil from being promoted to the higher class or being sent for public examinations.

Note Parents of students belonging to Std IX - XII are requested to come in person to school and fill in the leave forms available at the school office. Parents of other classes may use the leave forms printed in the school diary.

  • Parents are requested to take precautionary measures regarding safety of their ward while commuting to school and ensure that they reach home on time.
  • In case of students commuting by vans, parents must gather information about the van route, name of the driver, pick up and dropping points, number of students accommodated in the van etc.
  • Students must be discouraged from loitering outside school premises before or after school hours and visiting friend's houses without prior permission from the parent.
  • In case of emergency, the student will be sent home along with a guardian or escort sent by the parent provided the parent sends a letter to the school and also gives information over phone to the school office.
  • Students are advised against tampering school switch boards, fire extinguishers, rest room fittings etc. in the school premises keeping in mind their own safety and also to ensure proper maintenance. Students who indulge in such activities will be taken to task and will also have to pay for the damage caused.

The School has made arrangements to provide:

  • Safe Drinking water (purified by reverse osmosis system)
  • User friendly Fire Safety System (Staff have been trained to handle it)
  • All precautions are taken by the school to avoid accident / injury while at work or play. However in case of any such incident, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital and parents will be informed immediately.
  • A mock evacuation drill is conducted every year to train students to meet emergency situations.
  • Parents are requested to pick up their wards on time after school hours.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards do not carry any costly items to school (Pens, Watches, Calculator, electronic gadgets etc.)
  • Any payment to be made by the parent to the teacher / school office must be made in person and not sent through the student. Students must not carry excess money to school.
  • Gold / Silver jewellery is strictly forbidden to school.

A qualified and experienced visiting counselor caters to the emotional and behavioural issues faced by students and teachers. Parents can make use of the facility by fixing an appointment through the school office.

Communication to Parents
SMS alerts will be sent to parents during open days and declared holidays. Circulars will be sent to parents of the primary section regarding examination time table and portions. General circulars will be sent to all students regarding any information with regard to time table, new initiatives / programmes etc.

A committee of mothers visit the school on a weekly basis to monitor the facilities and cleanliness of the school premises. The members are chosen at random from different levels. Their suggestions are actively considered for improvement of the school.

Many teenagers and students across the world are getting increasingly affected by Internet addiction. India is also falling a prey to this global trend at an alarming rate. Studies have confirmed that more than 75% of children have been bullied, harassed or even stalked by unscrupulous users. A matter of concern is that, only 50% of parents are aware that their children could be exposed to such experiences while browsing and connecting with social networking sites which are gaining popularity among teens. Many studies confirm that students visit such sites everyday and end up spending inordinate amount of time on it. They tend to ignore family and friends in the real world due to their obsession with Internet.

Keeping the implications in mind we seek and request parental support in controlling students who are engaging carelessly in this newfound digital addiction. Please ensure that you set strict controls on your home computers to check on internet indulgence and keep yourself abreast of the sites visited by your child. Surprise checks will be also be helpful. Caution your children on cyber-bullying and harassment that come about and advise them to be wary of it. Make them understand that the anonymity of social networking sites could make it easy for unscrupulous people to target unsuspecting teenagers and students and lure them into harmful conversation. Instruct them not to reveal any personal details. Monitor them on a regular basis and spend a considerable amount of quality time with them.

Ensure that the home computer is kept in a room frequented by all family members and not in an isolated area. Caution them that making derogatory / insensitive remarks about fellow students / parents / teachers/ school will be viewed seriously. We fervently hope that you will take serious note of this disturbing trend and ensure that your child’s internet usage is well-scheduled, controlled and monitored.

School Uniform


LKG & UKG (on all days)

  • Blue ,Yellow and White Checked Frock
  • Black Shoes and White Socks

Red short skirt
Red and white Checked Shirt
Red Ribbons
Black Shoes and White Socks

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Kameez-Blue & white checked
Blue overcoat,Blue Ribbons
White Shoes and White Socks

Wednesday- Sports Uniform
Track Pant and T Shirt (House Colour)
White Shoes with White Socks

Note : Students are permitted to wear white shoes on days they have PT. On rainy days, students are permitted to wear black floaters instead of shoes. Chappals/fancy foot wear is not allowed.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Kameez-Blue & white checked
Blue overcoat,Blue Ribbons
White Shoes and White Socks

Wednesday- Sports Uniform
Track Pant and T Shirt (House Colour)
White Shoes with White Socks

Note: Students are permitted to wear white shoes on days they have PT. On rainy days, students are permitted to wear black floaters instead of shoes. Chappals/fancy foot wear is not allowed.


LKG & UKG (on all days)

  • Blue Shirt, Yellow & White Checked Half Pant
  • Black Shoes and White Socks

Red Half pant
Red and white Checked Shirt
Belt with School emblem
Black Shoes and White Socks

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Blue full Pant
Blue & white Checked Shirt
Belt with School emblem
White Shoes and White Socks

Wednesday- Sports Uniform
Track Pant and T Shirt (House Colour)
White Shoes with White Socks

Note : Students are permitted to wear white shoes on days they have PT. On rainy days, students are permitted to wear black floaters instead of shoes. Chappals/fancy foot wear is not allowed.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Blue full Pant
Blue & white Checked Shirt
Belt with School emblem
White Shoes and White Socks

Wednesday- Sports Uniform
Track Pant and T Shirt (House Colour)
White Shoes with White Socks

Note: Students are permitted to wear white shoes on days they have PT. On rainy days, students are permitted to wear black floaters instead of shoes. Chappals/fancy foot wear is not allowed.