A Unit of The Indian Education Trust (Regd.)
A leadership camp RYLA upholding the theme ‘Bond – Build – Bring Cheer’ brought together Interactors from 12 schools to GSK school Kumbakonam which hosted the event on 24th,25th and 26th of January. This camp was organised by the Rotary Club of Madras. The guiding presence of Rtn. Sesha Sai, Chairman of Ryla, Rtn. Balaji Chinni, Youth Services Director, Rtn. Seshadri, Ryla Coach and Rtn. Ramesh Venkat was encouraging. An impressive lineup of expert speakers took the students through many interactive and interesting sessions on communication, confidence building, skill development, storytelling, historical insights and art appreciation on heritage. The students displayed their talents in a cultural show. The camp fire night got the energetic Interactors putting their best foot forward. Interactor Shasini of Sri Sankara Vidhyashramam Mat. Hr. Sec. School presented a hand drawn portrait to the CEO of GSK school Rtn. Murali Rao. He was touched by this warm gesture and appreciated her with a medal. Visits to the Ramanujan Museum, Darasuram temple, sculpture factory and heritage exhibition made the RYLA experience truly memorable. Interactors received certificates and medals for their participation in the RYLA camp.
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